South Phoenix

Is in Revival

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Is this Your Calling?

Is this your Calling?

Join a dynamic Apostolic Pentecostal church serving the greater south Phoenix area!

Apostolic laborers are needed!

  • Seeking the will of God in your life?
  • Wondering where God’s calling will take you?
  • Ready to make an impact for the kingdom?

Whatever your gift, there’s a place for you here!

We need…

  • Musicians & singers
  • Sunday School teachers
  • Bus ministry captain & drivers
  • Outreach & evangelism helpers
  • Spanish ministry & interpretors
  • Bible study teachers & discipleship leaders
  • Community care/street ministry (homeless)
  • Worshippers, faithful saints & prayer warriors

A bit about us

Praise of Pentecost church is a small, growing UPCI church in the heart of south Phoenix serving the greater South Mountain region – God has opened doors for us in neighboring areas like Laveen, Estrella, and Ahwatukee Foothills

God is good! The harvest is plentiful, but we need laborers.

Our work has been established for around 7 years, but we essentially started over from scratch during COVID – and we have been experiencing revival, growing to ~15-20 regular attendance over the last 2 years!

We have lots of new believers and recent disciples, baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost, but only a few seasoned Apostolics to help lead in worship and ministry and to nurture new converts.

We need a few laborers to expand our ministry team to help launch specific initiatives like…

Sunday School

  • we need someone with a passion for children’s ministry to grow Sunday School
  • we’ve had some promising moments, but could launch a thriving kids ministry with a little help & focus

Bus/ride ministry

  • we have kids & adults who want to come if we can pick them up & transport them
  • we currently have several that we transport, and there are more in need of rides – we need help organizing and managing transportation

Spanish outreach & interpretation

  • south Phoenix, and our area of town in particular has a large population of Spanish-only speaking folks
  • we engage hungry Spanish-speaking people weekly on outreach that we cannot effectively minister to
  • they are precious people and a key segment of our community that we desperately want to reach & serve

Expand outreach & evangelism

  • we have mapped every home in the region and need help reaching them
  • we did outreach every weekend of January through April, and are currently on a bi-weekly cadence
  • we have reached thousands of homes in the last 2 years and still need to reach tens of thousands more

That’s where you come in!

We’re pushing in these areas – but with your help in one or two of these ministries, we are confident we will break through to 40-50 people this year!

Please, prayerfully consider joining our ministry team and our mission to reach the lost of South Phoenix AZ

  1.  Pray for God’s will to be confirmed
  2. Talk to you Pastor/Mentors for confirmation
  3. Reach out to us

Praise of Pentecost Church

742 W Southgate Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 85041

Ready to Enlist?

Prayerfully considering your place in God’s vision for South Phoenix?

Ready to talk to our pastor?

We can’t wait to chat!

10 + 11 =