What To Expect
The Pentecostal Church Experience
A fast-growing church plant
We’re a dynamic, fast-growing fellowship that is in the early stages of getting established – sometimes called a ‘church plant’ or a ‘home mission church’ – come be part of an emerging ministry!

The people you’ll meet
You can expect to be greeted by various folks who will introduce themselves, shake your hand and welcome you to the service.
What should you wear?

The worship services
We often clap or raise our hands during worship
» Invitation for prayers and we all pray over the needs that have been mentioned.
» The pastor will preach a Bible-based sermon or teach a Bible-based lesson.
Apostolic Pentecostal preaching is spirited and exciting, often evoking a response from the congregation – we may shout out ‘amen’ or clap our hands in agreement with the preacher
» Invitation to the altar, a call to reflect prayerfully on the sermon and to seek God.
All are welcome to participate.